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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We're going places.

I'm sitting here trying to pick the right words for what what is going on in my head. Life is so crazy unpredictable and sometimes just plain horrible. This post is coming to you late because my heart is so broken I was in denial of what is going to happen next. Let me start by saying I took an amazing trip to Mexico and was the happiest I have been in months. Relaxed, carefree and happy. I had just finished my 6th try at chlomid and had tests done the day I got home. To match my amazing trip i received amazing news. My progesterone level was 21! You want somewhere 8+ and I had never gotten such a good number. I waited to test because I didn't want to get too let down if I got an early negative. About a week after my good news I couldn't help myself and I had to test (3 days early) and I got a negative but I remained hopeful. How could I not be pregnant? Well as if on cue or some cruel joke that same day I started my period. I can't even tell you how horrible it feels to want something so bad that everyone around you has and it literally is not in your reach. I cried for a good solid hour picked myself up and went for the next step. I called the Utah fertility center and scheduled my consult to start the process called IUI. I don't know how I feel about this but I know I need to keep moving forward. So I guess stay tuned for what's to come next.