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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Can't have a rainbow without the rain..

So with last months progress and the news of getting to try one more time with the chlomid I was so excited for the upcoming month! I thought that maybe we could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but that just isn't the case.. I was able to do another try at Chlomid (which I am extremely grateful for) at the same dose as the last time (when it worked) but I got news that it didn't work again and now have to get ready for a huge new step in this crazy journey. I guess I have no choice but to take it, great things call for great sacrifice...

In this post I want to address a few things, people keep asking me why I don't take a break.. to be honest it is because even if I was taking a break the pain is still going to be there, but I am not doing anything to help it by taking a break. Another thing to keep in mind... Things to not say to an infertile woman...
1. You are so young you have plenty of time (when actually the fact that i'm so young makes it worse because the older you get the harder your chances are at getting pregnant meaning if i cant get pregnant now its most likely just going to get worse)
2. If you relax it will happen ( trust me i'm not uptight about this whole situation, i actually feel like i keep it together pretty well most of the time)
3. Don't stress (kinda the same thing as relaxing... but I have had plenty of dr's tell me that this is a myth.. and also is there anyone who doesn't feel stress daily?...School, Work, Illness etc...)
4. Im fertile Mertile (great... thanks for bragging)
5. It's just not your time (oh and it is that 16 year olds time? haha, not meant to offend anyone, they are just as capable of loving and caring for a child)
6. Just adopt! (i would love too, but adopting isn't as easy as it sounds, its a lengthy process and expensive too)
Well that wasn't meant to come across as bitter.. just a little advise if you come across someone who is going through this struggle. Ive learned alot from all of this. One thing being that it doesnt matter how established you, how long you have been married, how great you or your husbands job is, or how ready and prepared you are. I constantly think about that. God has his ways and you have to trust it. that is all for now. Crossing my fingers, toes and praying for more miracles to come my way
love always,
P.S. your prayers mean the world to me. Thank You