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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I Believe in Miracles

So I guess it's been a while since my last update. So here is some news for anyone who cares! Lately the blessing feel like they have been pouring in. Landon got a promotion at work and I couldn't be more proud! He is such a hard worker and is always taking care of us! Because of the promotion  my dream of one day being a mom Feels like it is more possible It also is pretty helpful with the cost of my specialists and medications! Seriously I love my hard working husband!
The next little update I waited to post because we got some more amazing news! The chlomid is working! I finished my 5th time and what I thought would be my final try at chlomid before moving onto bigger things, when I got my blood tests back with my progesterone numbers! (Progesterone is a hormone that you make more of when you ovulate)  my first 4 tries my number was below a 1 to be specific .0079 you want a number 8+ so getting these numbers was heartbreaking! We upped my dosage to the max amount and the 5th time must have been the charm because I got an 8.3!!! This means that I most definitely ovulated!!! Now I was hesitant about posting this for a bit because with those numbers I had the possibility of getting pregnant! I wish I could give you the news I have been dreaming of for years  but I can't quite yet... But what this means is that my body is finally responding, and my dr is allowing me to try the chlomid another round! So I guess that's my update for the month. I can't believe how blessed I have been! I know The Lord is watching out for me and has a great plan for me! I can't wait to see how it goes!
Stacey Hall