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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Taking Control:)

Shortly after my post opening up about infertility I decided it was time to really take matters into my own hands. A friend of mine who went through infertility for too long said that sometimes you have to fight for them to do what you want. I went to two regular doctors and an obgyn before realizing this for myself! I wish I had done this sooner.

Although I cannot give you exciting news stating I am pregnant I can tell you that I feel as though I am in much better hands!


So I did some research and I found someone who I felt would take care of me.  He  seemed to have a lot of experience and knowledge about infertility and not that I would wish this on anyone but his wife too went through infertility so he knew what the emotional side of this is and not just the medical side.

At my very first appointment he was already ordering tests checking my thyroid and other hormone levels! I also found out that with every round of chlomid you should get a blood test on day 21 to check your progesterone (a hormone that indicates if you have ovulated) I felt so cheated that I had done a few rounds without even knowing if it was working or not! He also found out that a few of my hormones were off balance and by taking simple vitamins that was fixed! I'm not cured yet obviously but I think I'm getting somewhere!

I just had my first day 21 blood test and although the results were very depressing I actually feel really good knowing that the chlomid wasn't working and it's time to try something more.
We upped my dosage of the chlomid and are starting me on a progesterone pill called prevera. I will also continue taking a medication called metformin which is most commonly used for type 2 diabetes (I am not diabetic) it somehow helps aid in fertility (this one I researched to try to give more information and it was just too much to explain, you can look on your own lol) but I am going to trust my doctor and the path he helps  us choose
Lastly in about a week I'll be going in for a few more tests and an ultrasound to check for something call pcos (Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which a woman has an imbalance of a female sex hormones. This may lead to menstrual cycle changes, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other health changes.)
Some women will have polycystic ovarian syndrome and irregular or absent menstrual periods regardless of their weight. Others develop polycystic ovarian syndrome when they gain too much weight. These women are likely to resume regular ovulation if they can get back down to the weight at which they were previously ovulating.

Again I have not yet been diagnosed with pcos or anything yet but I'm praying we will know Soon and get pregnant:) 

I'll try to post more  and keep friends and family updated!  Thanks for reading!
With love, 
Stacey hall