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Friday, October 17, 2014

Emotions gone crazy!

Have any of my friends taken chlomid? if so can you relate to me?! please say yes and make this post a lot less awkward lol.

I don't even care if no one is out there reading this but I just have to get it out of me somewhere and as I've started blogging I feel a lot better after just getting everything out!

The struggle is real!!Before facing infertility myself I thought anyone who blamed pills for their crazy moods was lying! Like come on ladies birth control making you psycho? (I now know it's real) that just wasn't me! Before starting chlomid I was warned of the weight gain and mood swings but thought "eh no way it'll happen" Oh was I wrong... I'm hot for like 5 minutes then I freeze as soon as the air conditioner is off.  one minute I am happy, I can take on the day, and in an instant I feel like I could sleep for weeks because I just can't do it. While going on a night time drive with my husband I told him that for some reason I felt like I had to cry.... So I cried... No reason at all... But I let it out and when I was done I felt better! ( I know I sound crazy) this is just half of it!
If you haven't taken chlomid but you know someone who has and they didn't act like this chances are they hold it in, or so that's what I like to think, because I try so hard to not cry and be annoyed at work but goodness I let it out at home.

Sometimes what you want takes a little sacrifice and if this is what it takes to get a family I'll do it.
I'm just wondering how to find strength through this... I feel like I have to be strong... And I have no choice. I can't just stop being strong because then I won't get my family... But I can't take much more.... So what do I do? I know no one can really give me strength, but encouraging words here and there would be nice.

Anyway I cant even say it enough I am so grateful for an amazing supportive husband! if I were in his shoes I think I would quit! he is strong enough for the both of us and I definitely need him. He never questions me when I send him on 2am in and out trips, even if I didn't eat the dinner he so nicely prepared so I could rest.

Landon you are the best and I am going to keep you. Even if our future babies have your crazy hair.

With love,
Stacey Hall