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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Where it all started

In honor of us going bowling last night with a close friend and his new love interest I decided to blog about Landon and my story! Hold on because it goes really fast! 

My oldest brother is a great one. Always looking out for his sisters, protecting us and giving us his approval or disapproval on our boyfriends. Brian at the time worked at Doug smith auto plex and he worked with a guy who he thought would be oh so fitting for his little sister. He gave this fellow my phone number but the boy was stubborn and didn't call. He had already made up his mind to not get married until he was 26 (he was 21 at the time).

Fast forward 2 months and Brian and his beautiful wife were moving and needed some help. This generous coworker lenses his hand. My parents met him that night and they too thought he would make a great companion for one of their girls. They did the embarrassing parent thing and showed him pictures of me! 

That night I come home from work and am geeeted by my parents who were so proud of themselves for basically selling me to a guy. They beamed with excitement while asking "did he text you? Did someone call you?!" I replied with a no and was so confused. Days passed and no one called or texted me that I didn't know so I just brushed it off. 

Thanks giving 2011 I get a text from a number and I can't even tell you what it said but instantly we were talking and joking and laughing. He told me he had cooked thanksgiving with his mom and I told him he got out into place. He asked me out for the next day! 

Most Americans are familiar with the day after thanksgiving being Black Friday. I at the time worked at chick fil a on the weekends and was scheduled to start work at 3 am so the crazy shoppers could get breakfast. I ended up working until 10pm and almost cancelled my date! I was sooo tired and did not want to go! But I sucked it up and got dressed up and did my makeup.

around 10:30 that night he knocked on the door. He was sooo cute! And such a gentleman. It had been a while since a guy treated me well so this obviously stood out. We went bowling and had the best time! I even beat him 4 of our 6 games! We really hit it off. I could tell he didn't want the night to end as much as me when he tried to get me to go grab some dinner with him at 1 in the morning but I had to go I was just too tired. 

He dropped me off and we hugged at the doorstep and said goodbye. I got inside and ready for bed. I couldn't help myself but the next thing I did was call him! Omg I felt like a crazy person not even waiting a day to see if he wanted to go out again! But he gladly accepted!  

Every night was just as fun as the night before we saw each other everyday and I couldn't believe that we had grown up so close to each other and just now met! 

The next big moment in our relationship happened only 10 days after our first date. I had tried to surprise my parents with tickets to see the forgotten carols. I thought they would be so excited! Little did I know that this was the cheesiest musical ever! My sister bailed on us leaving another ticket. So I invited Landon! We goofed off the entire show and I'm sure everyone wanted to kill us. It was one of the greatest nights I can remember (and going to see the forgotten carols is one of our traditions now) after the show we sat up and talked until 5am the next day. It's like we didn't even care that we had to work in a few hours! That's the night Landon told me he loved me! It was wonderful. 

The next few weeks flew by and we never went a day without each other. We talked marriage pretty fast but we knew it was right! On New Year's Day we went ring shopping! It was as great as I could have imagined! I decided to choose my ring because I'm the one who has to see it everyday and I wanted to love it. We left the store and I couldn't wait. I had no idea when he was going to get it or when he would propose!

The next Friday I was at work and was scheduled the whole day. Around 12 my managers told me they didn't need me and sent me home! I was freaking out because this is something that usually happened when you weren't doing a great job! I texted Landon about how horrible this day was because I was sent home! He tried comforting me but I was so disappointed In myself! The only thing that made me feel better was knowing I got to see him that night. 

On January 6th 2012 He picked me up around 5 and we went around looking at reception venues (yes before we were engaged) and as we went to view one up in draper by the temple he took a little detour and we went to the temple to walk around. We get out and he hands me this bouquet with 2 dozen roses and I was still so clueless! We walked around and got to the bench we always sat on when we went there and he got on one knee!!! I don't know how I missed all the clues that it would happen that night. Of course through tears I said yes!  He was the one who had planned for me to get off work early so that I could be off to get engaged! 

So my friends.... That is how I fell in love and got engaged to the man of my dreams in 7 weeks! We were married  4 months later on April 27th 2012 in the draper temple. 

Thanks for reading! With love
Stacey Hall