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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blair Von Hall 5/19/19

The kids are napping so I finally get to sit down and write Blair’s birth story. HA! “The kids?!” That’s still weird to say. So like probably every pregnant women ever, I was SO done being pregnant.  I always said I would never be induced because a baby comes when they are ready and as hard as it was waiting 40+4 days for Madden the labor was so easy. But really. I. WAS. DONE. We schedule my induction date for exactly 39 weeks and I was nervous as heck. On Saturday May 18th I got the call letting me know that I was expected at the hospital around 6:15 A.M. where they would start my labor. Even though I set the date and knew it was coming for weeks nothing could stop me from being nervous! The hours went slow that day and we spent it with Madden just trying to keep busy and enjoy our last time as a family of 3. Finally it was bedtime and I knew i wouldn’t be getting much sleep but we got in bed and started a show just like normal and at 11:30 P.M. I had the most uncomfortable pain ever! I could feel Blair drop down into place and contractions start right away. I had been having Braxton Hicks during most of my pregnancy and obviously having gone through labor once before I knew these contractions were the real deal. I told Landon and he told me to try to get some rest and of course he rolled over and went right to sleep. There was no way I was about to get to sleep now! I hurried and downloaded a contraction timing app and they were each about 8 minutes apart but man, they were STRONG! I laid there and timed them and they jumped from 8 minutes apart to 4 minutes apart without anything in between so I woke Landon up (around 1:30 A.M.) and told him to get up we were ready to go. He got up, texted his mom to let her know so she could come over and be with Madden, and got into the shower. FREAKING MEN! I’m in labor and he needs to shower? Lol. So I got my makeup on and continued to time my contractions. The contractions went from 4 minutes to 2 minutes within 30 minutes and Landon’s mom hadn’t even responded to the text! I called her up and let her know it was go time. The drive to the hospital felt like it was taking forever. I honestly thought I’d be giving birth in the truck. I’m pretty sure we ran 2 red lights... I’m gonna say pretty sure so we don’t get into trouble. We got to the hospital and I couldn’t even wait long enough for Landon to park the car. He dropped me off at the entrance and I ran in. I got checked in and they had no urgency at all which I’m sure is because they deal with crazy pregnant women daily who may or may not actually be in labor. I got checked in at 2:37 A.M. and was dilated to a 6! They ran and got me a room ready and I got the epidural almost instantly. My water hadn’t broken yet and because I needed to have antibiotics before my labor they chose to wait as long as possible until it broke to start me pushing. I could feel so much pressure and I called the nurse in to check me but she wouldn’t because my water wasn’t broken so she told me to call her back when my water had broken. I waited about another hour and I knew my water hadn’t broken yet but the pressure was so strong I called them in again. During the wait Brittany, Landon and I had started making bets at when Blair would be born I guessed 5:45 but around 5:15 when my water hadn’t broken yet I changed my guess but when they came in to check me again from the pressure I was dilated to a 10 and my water didn’t break on it’s own!!! They broke my water and we waited  a couple seconds for my next contraction. Dr Thomas told me to give one big push so I did and she was out! They placed her on my chest and we just sat and bawled. There she was. My girl. No induction needed. This girl knew I was ready to meet her. Blair was 7lbs 8oz and 19.5 inches long. Born at 5:34 A.M. perfect as could be, and honestly has been ever since. I can honestly say the labor is one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever felt. It’s amazing creating a life inside of you, you support them, you feed them, you breath for them and when they come out their spirit meets their body and takes over. I don’t know how long we laid there together but i held her and cried because it’s just amazing that I could do this. That I could ever make something so perfect. Me. An imperfect person. You have to know god is real after giving birth. I don’t know how else you could ever explain it.