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Thursday, May 29, 2014

first book post!

I have been a reading fool lately, and what I cant help but think after I've read a horrible book is... I wish that someone out there had told me. So here I am. Here to help you choose a good book! lets start off with the ever so popular The Fault In Our Stars.
OK people! there is a reason it is on the best sellers list! it is so good, Everyone loves a good love story and that is what this is. I love the fact that this isn't your depressing cancer book. The characters stay positive though they aren't well they learn to live with what they've got and they are just normal kids. They embark on adventures together and grow as people. Though you can probably predict the ending you cant help but finish this book. Don't wait for it to become available at the library! Run and buy it now before the movie is out and ruins it for you!

Happy reading!,
            Stacey Hall