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Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Landon had surgery yesterday and though he will never say it, I am the worst wife in the world for making him do it! haha. working at a dental office I see surgeries daily right? nothing compares to watching someone you love have a procedure done, It was one of those you don't wanna watch but you cant look away kind of situations.. Let me explain
My white husband has hops
and when he was 12 he decided to be like Michael Jordan
His teeth snagged the net and ouch there went his front tooth.
(he has a retainer with a fake tooth so dont think of a hilbilly)
But now its just so perfect that he married me because Im fixing it!
so yesterday he had his gums flapped open and they placed a couple of screws and filled under the screws with bone placed a membrane and 10 stitches later I have a really cute swollen hubby.
so there. worst wife ever. makes her hubby have surgery,
He still loves me:)